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 Subject:  President Bush's Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference
July 8, 2007          THIS IS A COPY OF EMAIL SENT
Dear President Bush,  I couldn't reach these others:          Security Council,
Secretary General and all Organization of Islamic Conference Members,
        Subject:  President Bush's Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference
   There is no God but the one God.... known by many names.
 I pray that this is the time when Allah will show Himself mighty to lift His word on high for the leaders of nations and peoples of God to unite for truth and peace.
"When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him"  Proverbs of Solomon 16:7 (KJV) 
We must recognize when God witnesses against us.  There is no religion that I know of that is  following what God sent down to His prophets.  When our hearts are ready to admit a need for change, God will lift up a way to accomplish the peace and unity He promised.  It truly will be "submission to the will and word of God" that overtakes the world, but it will not be the Islam religions of today.
God has spoken into my life, that "All the power that Moses had and more, you have if you use it to My will, otherwise, you will have nothing." and "You will be doing great things in My name."  I see the way He has interwoven His word to many prophets to prove His word and unite His people. 
May you and President Bush find someone with the skills you need to convince peoples of religion in your nations that God has a way prepared even fifteen years ago that I know of, to join us in peace... when we are wanting His truth.
As I applied for a position of advisor to a newspaper, I recognized that I had special skills that come from obedience to God's word.  I enclose part of it for your consideration... so you will know what you need.:  
Subject:  Application for Adviser Position
All media are powerful to either bring our culture to greatness, peace and unity or to contribute to an angry, critical people.  I believe you will find me to be a great influence.  I would like to be the adviser to take you beyond your expectations.
As Marie Kalivas  I was born in Peabody, Massachusetts on August 16, 1944.
Now, as Marie Devine, I am a 62 year old woman, widowed fifteen years.
A variety of work and life experiences have given me an understanding that I was not terribly smart.  I graduated from Masuk High School in Monroe, Connecticut in 1962 with Business Courses.
Kansas City, Missouri has been my home for over 10 years, mostly in the North East Historic District.  I came here from Vermont after living in Israel-Palestine for fourteen months (September 29, 1995 to November 26, 1996).  I lived in the homes of Christians, Jews and Muslims.
My political outlook is that we are at a great crossroad and the outcome of our choices will be amazing … for the good or the bad.
I know that the skills I have are unique and powerful.  They come from a path I chose in August 1990; it was one of in-depth focus on holy writings of many religions and a strong focus on current events in governments, religions and world events and the connection between them.  There are easy workable solutions.
These skills we need in our president, National Security Adviser, Homeland Security Director, military advisers, counter-terrorism advisers, United Nations and European Union leaders as well as our own citizens.  We only need to lift truth into view.
Needed Skills:
           We must have knowledge of the root causes of conflicts including terrorism.
           We must have knowledge of various holy writings and how to coordinate and communicate correction in each religion without antagonizing the people.  It is not difficult, we only have to stay with “It is written in your holy book.”
           We need to be followers of holy writing.  Someone who knows God is real is not going to follow someone who thinks He doesn’t exist.
           We must be people who can see and hear all sides of a disagreement.
           We must be people that can be trusted to be impartial regarding nation or religion, being able to let truth lead to the common good.
           We must convey trustworthiness and true caring for all sides.
           We must appear in dress not to be antagonistic or dangerous to any religion or people.
I have these skills: they come from loving God and loving mankind, (in that order) and being willing to see that God’s wisdom brings good results with no sorrow added … man’s wisdom is destroying our environment, our physical and emotional health, our family relationships and our peace.
I would like to be your adviser, to show the world why Missouri is the “Show Me” state.
God Bless You,
Marie Devine
3023 Montgall Av. 
Kansas City, Mo. 64128  
Now, Mr. Secretary General and all, may God bless you and President Bush in your search for the true success of this world.
Marie Devine
If you are ensnared in debt, consider
 God's escape plan:
      Link:   A Better Economic Stimulus Plan
"Small donations are called for. 
 It is the right thing to do."



Marie Kalivas Devine, 19405 Platte County Line Road, Smithville, MO 64089-8798 USA

mariedevine.divineway@gmail.com {USA+1} 816-210-3638

https://www.divine-way.com - https://www.divine-way.org
Facebook.com/marie.devine.92 - Linkedin.com/in/Marie-Devine-Divine-Way (locked out)

When I asked our God and Savior if I should provide a place for donations,
the answer came back, "Small donations are called for, it's the right thing to do

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