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Solutions for US Presidential Candidates and World Leaders

Choose candidates that agree.

PRESS RELEASE :  Marie Devine, Kansas City, MO, U.S.A.       December 26, 2007
Solutions to World Problems Offered to US Presidential Candidates and World Leaders
With the greater urgency of US Presidential Caucuses and Elections and the Bali UN Global Warming Conference,   Marie Devine of Kansas City, Missouri reaches out by mail, email, letters to editors, and her website to inform world leaders of religion and governments that "God has solutions to problems we created by ignoring His wisdom."   There are solutions to the religious conflicts as well and global warming, energy problems, pollution, health care, social security, immigration and financial security.   They don't need to be forced or mandated; God's solutions only need to be lifted into view as a standard to live by.  Those who follow them will see the power while the skeptics will be stuck in the same bondage and destruction.  They will ultimately see the power in God's wisdom.
When the people consider the power in the simplicity of the solutions and the easier life they bring, they need to contact their presidential candidates and world leaders and tell them that "Life is easier than we are making it; and they want the guaranteed solution."  Whatever candidate is willing and able to lift up that life as a  standard for the nation, that is the one that will be chosen by the people.  The great part is that the world will follow our lead and we will have a land that doesn't destroy it's people, it will be a land that regenerates continually into a prosperous land of true freedom and equality. 
"A Better Energy Policy" is a letter in the website. that tells the major benefits in God's commanded day of no work.  (Exodus 20:8-11 one of the "Ten Commandments").  It is an immediate reduction of about one seventh of our pollution, global warming emissions, and energy us.  It cuts stress which brings better health and family relationships.  It is free, fair, immediate and easy to implement.  The solution was sent to world leaders in 2005.   With wars and rumors of wars and global warming fears, perhaps the people will demand it now.
The same day of no work stated in the Ten Commandments the first step; but there is a greater, more effective way to solve world problems that we created.  We must remember that the goal of life is not employment, it is retirement.  Heading toward a retirement lifestyle with landscaping full of edible fruits, nuts and berries and gardens of vegetables and vines for more fruits and vegetables produces an abundant life with freedom and equality.  Add the useful pets and you have milk and eggs for marvelous foods that even rich people desire. 
God promised us a garden paradise; now with global warming and pollution destroying us with no other end in site,  we know we don't really have any other choice.  Slowing down global warming and pollution is not a solution; it is a delay and a gamble that keeps us tied to repairing city systems and buildings that will continue to keep us in bondages.
God does have solutions to problems we created by ignoring His wisdom.  In Leviticus 26 He promises "rain in due season" to followers and He outlines four times seven curses that will come upon us if we refuse His guidance.  (Rain in due season restores life to desolate places.and desperate people in many areas of the world.)  The word of God says, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."  Proverbs 14:12, 16:25.  God's laws are our protection, and our ways are not.  God has solved the conflicts in religions;  they also are easy solutions, all religions expect to come to God's truth, united in peace.  The garden lifestyle is part of that.  Gardens are the promise of God to those who chose His ways.
The garden solution is engraved on the United Nations building in New York City and was promised by God in Isaiah 2:4, "They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."  The same prosperity is available for all nations so there is no need for war.  This is available when we want it, and not before.
The Internet, blogs, news, chat rooms and just conversations in general are a mighty tool to transform our world.  The website is www.divine-way.com and my email is marie-devine@divine-way.com for serious questions.  Promote this solution;  this is a united campaign.  One voice is not enough..   Contact your representatives to fight for this or against it; it is your world.   See if your favorite candidate is willing to lead the transformation of our land into green, green, green, and beautiful, landscapes of fresh foods for health bodies. 
Marie Devine
Kansas City, MO 64128  USA



Marie Kalivas Devine, 19405 Platte County Line Road, Smithville, MO 64089-8798 USA

mariedevine.divineway@gmail.com {USA+1} 816-210-3638

https://www.divine-way.com - https://www.divine-way.org
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