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Part of Packet of Letters Sent to Angela Merkel- EU,
President Bush and Other World Leaders 


With slight adjustments, this will probably work for


To: President Bush and his government leaders;
     Hamas, Iran, Iraq and Muslim leaders of governments
and religion ,      United Nations Security Council and General Assembly,
European Union and all.

ARE EASY and more solutions

Psalm 144:1  "Blessed be the Lord my strength, which
teacheth my hands to   war, and my fingers to fight"   
Hands and fingers write, it takes bodies  for military
Psalm 33:16 "There is no king saved by the multitude of a

It is the truth and submission to ideas that brings peace
and victory, not multitudes of bloodied or dead bodies. 
Peace is not the absence of violence and war, but the
absence of even the threat of war; peace is possible...  
God has promised it.

Our democratic societies desire to spread freedom and
democracy around the world.  We must first define what
democracy is and what freedom means to a society.
What other nations see is that anyone can do a multitude of
things against God's guidance even though it brings
violence and corruption upon our men, women and children
and we become a degraded culture of immorality.  If
fornication, rioting,  indecency and the killing of unborn
children for the sake of employment and money are our
desired goal for democratic societies, then God and most of
the world will fight against us and win.

Our solution is simple:  We need an amendment to the
constitution of the United States, clarifying that it was
formed and can only be powerful and profitable for freedom
and equality if it is used with godly principles... the
word of God.  That would set us in the right direction to a
moral and decent society.... this we can export, and we
will not be fought... we will be embraced.

In the  HAMAS CHARTER you will see the objectives of not
only Hamas, but Iraq and Iran as well as other nations...
especially those fighting against Israel and western
culture...  Its first paragraph includes "Ye enjoin right
conduct and forbid indecency" and Israel will rise and will
remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it had eliminated
its predecessors."
     (A clearer interpretation would be:  "Submission to
the will of God" will eliminate the current nation of
Israel as a secular, western, corrupt culture.)  With this
interpretation you can see that it  is the goal of God
fearing Jews and Muslims. 

There is no war except to fight
our own sinful ways and return to the blessings of God's
wisdom.  When all nations declare God's word as law, there
will be no real separation or fear... our objectives will
be one with God.

***  God always stirred up nations against Israel when they
left His ways.:
   Ezekiel 4:6,7  ...(Israel) thou hast changed my statutes
more than the nations around you."
   Ezekiel 16:27 ... (God) He "delivered thee unto the will
of them that hate thee, the daughters of the Philistines,
which are ashamed of thy lewd ways."

     ..."They have raised the banner of Jihad in the face
of the oppressors in order to extricate the country and the
people from the (Oppressor's) desecration, filth and evil."

     "Its ultimate goal is Islam, the Prophet its model,
the Quran its Constitution."
A correction for Islam is fortold for the end days.... and
these are the end days.
This is a time of correction for all faiths.  This is a

     (A better interpretation is that "Submission to the
will of God" is the ultimate goal, the prophet that is the
model is Isa (Jesus) (Quran-Al-a-raf 7:158,159 older Quran,
Ahmad. numbering)....( I am Muhammad a Messenger.... follow
Him)  This is "the religion of Abraham, Moses and Jesus...
be not divided therein"

      The Bible is the Law... the Quran was the prophet's
God given message to the Christians and Jews who were not
following the Torah (Law of Moses) AND the prophets AND the
Gospel... It was by these that they were to judge...
(Al-Maida 5:44-50;2.54;17:3;23:50; 21:49; 32:24; 6:155-157;
40:54,55; 62:6)

The Quran pointed to following the whole Bible as guidance
and law.  The  Quran does not contain the Bible... a simple
reading of a few chapters of the Bible will show it

HAMAS CHARTER- Article 7 gives this quote from the Quran:
"And unto thee have we revealed the Scripture with the
truth, comfirming whatever scripture was before it and a
watcher over it."  That is what I just showed you... it
confirms the Scriptures before it.

HAMAS CHARTER- Article Ten:  "It (Islamic Resistance
Movement) will spare no effort to implement the truth and
abolish evil, in speech and in fact, both here and in any
other locations where it can reach out and exert
     Destroying evil and implementing truth are goals for
all people, but each must take special care to rid
themselves of their own evils so that truth can be
This is a winning solution for all.

Now For a Bonus of More Simple Solutions:
         Other problems... energy supply, pollution of air, water,
food and body,  global warming,  health,  and family and
community ills              

Solution: Return to God's commanded seventh day of no work.
It will cut energy use, pollution etc. by 1/7th, cut
stress that creates friction in families and communities
and causes ill health.

Solutions more:  There is no wisdom in transporting foods
and goods from one country to another  when  things are
available nearby.   Necessary foods can be grown in our own
gardens in our own neighborhoods and eggs, milk, meat and
clothing can come from our own animals without need for
hormones and defilements. That is true freedom.   
Families can stay together to love, help and care for each other.
That is true social
security... and with healthy foods, true health care for all.

God has solutions and deliverances for other problems as
well... all begin in the love for God and for His love for
us, His infinite mercy and the forgiveness of our past sins
that He has prepared by the Gospel and blood of Jesus
Christ, who is Isa of the Muslims and Krisna of the
Buddhists and Hindus...  all scriptures point to following
the word of God given through His prophets.  That is true
peace... with no fear of violence.

Three laws of God: 
*  Fear Not, that which you fear shall come upon you.

* That which you sow , you shall reap 
      ( sow military weapons, you reap using them.)

*  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Leviticus 26 gives understanding of the past, present, and
future and is invaluable for making decisions.  God is
faithful even in horrific prophesies... example:  the
crucifixion of Jesus.

Fight with your emails to your religious and government
leaders including the European Union and United Nations and
to your friends and neighbors,  and  give to political
prisoners...  (to show) voting with your opinion for or
against God's way.

God Bless You.   I am available to speak privately or in
public at no charge for my services.  God truly is mighty
to deliver us.

Marie Devine 
3023 Montgall Av
Kansas City, MO 64128-1527 USA
If you are ensnared in debt, consider
 God's escape plan:
      Link:   A Better Economic Stimulus Plan
"Small donations are called for. 
 It is the right thing to do."

Marie Kalivas Devine, 19405 Platte County Line Road, Smithville, MO 64089-8798 USA

mariedevine.divineway@gmail.com {USA+1} 816-210-3638

https://www.divine-way.com - https://www.divine-way.org
Facebook.com/marie.devine.92 - Linkedin.com/in/Marie-Devine-Divine-Way (locked out)

When I asked our God and Savior if I should provide a place for donations,
the answer came back, "Small donations are called for, it's the right thing to do

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