Solutions With Power - Bailouts - Jihad
Solutions For the $700 Billion Bailout.
September 28, 2008 (12:58 pm DC time ) (Edited 5:25 DC pm time)
Dear President Bush, Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, and World Leaders of Nations,
Military, Industry, Finance, Religion and All; (I trust you will see that leaders get this message).
Edited: Subject:
Solutions With Power - Bailouts - Jihad
God has solutions to world problems we created by ignoring His wisdom. Jihad
is a holy war. We have these holy wars against ungodly systems and the word of God is our best weapon. I am a servant of the
Most High God, physically anointed in 1991 with oil and wine poured over my head while standing upright so it flowed totally
over me. I come with a corrective word, a word for solutions to bring in a better life. As God's messengers were sent to leaders
before, they are sent to you. As leaders before had the right to disregard the messages, so do you. The histories of their
decisions are written in the Bible and Puranas for your warning and understanding.
Credit, debt and insurance are
against God's guidance. We are told not to be surety (insurance) for anyone and not to get in debt. With this guidance we
know that bailouts will not solve the problem. It will do more damage than good. Housing will not be the secure investment
in the minds of people again; they will not expect the price will always be much higher in the future. Banks will not lend
freely again for the same reason. Many will lose their jobs; but that solution is also found in this letter.
Our banking
loan system and insurance institutions have led us into much bondage, (because of the ease of living on borrowed money,) We
have powerful military mechanisms, energy crisis, pollution, disease, wars, and higher costs on most things we buy and do.
People bought and sold before these institutions without the added costs and they can do it again. God warned against borrowing
money; yet that is the only way for us to bail these entities out; we dare not fight against God who can wipe out our communications
with a solar flair, or shake down these institutions in an earth quake.
There is another way to get things done. Look
at what a small part of a payment pays toward ending a mortgage the first 15 years of a thirty year mortgage. On a car payment,
it is the same according to their term. These institutions can now end interest charges and just charge a small handling fee
each month and use the payments to pay down the loans. Families will work together to pay a debt they can see an end to. This
will benefit the country, investors and make the dollar strong again.
A bailout will not work to save the oppressive
system God wants brought down. He also said, "I will destroy your chariots"; the auto industry will fall because people were
never to live far from relatives; and all their needs should be in their own community. These institutions and practices
can stop slowly and in order by our own understanding of God's wisdom; or they can fall quickly by an electromagnetic pulse
that stops all batteries, electronic and communication's devices if God chooses.
Our ways are polluting us to death,
literally, and creating world problems like energy crisis, food crisis, financial crisis, poverty, inequality, bondage, wars
and rumors of wars, immigration, diseases and health care costs and social security insufficiencies. We could and should turn
to creating a retirement lifestyle of a garden paradise where the things we need are in our community. The garden paradise
gives people a purpose, a focus, a healthy lifestyle and abundant provisions. This solves the many world problems with the
same strategy.
Our education system and all our systems have been geared toward an employment lifestyle for 40-60 years
and then retirement. That is an oppressive system of bondage and debt. People will lose jobs by letting these systems end;
but they can begin their garden paradise by preparing the land and looking to the needs of their communities. There is no
middle class; there is only the human species created in God's image and commanded to love God and mankind; believe God's
guidance and commandments through the prophets; multiply and keep the garden and prosper. The goal in life never was to be
employment. The goal is retirement in a garden paradise where we work and play with family and friends together in close communities.
Devine 3023 Montgall Ave Kansas City, MO 64128-1527 USA
816-841-3341 God
has solutions to world problems we created by ignoring His wisdom.
Marie Kalivas Devine, 19405 Platte County Line Road, Smithville, MO 64089-8798 USA {USA+1} 816-210-3638 - - (locked out)
When I asked our God and Savior if I should provide a place for donations,
the answer came back, "Small donations are called for, it's the right thing to do